The Steamboat Valley heading in to town from Rabbit Ears Pass
Amy and Matt graciously invited me back to town for some riding, laughs, adult beverages, fridge raiding, and morning coffee.
I arrived to town just in time to change in to my kit and link up with Matt and Amy at the house. We headed down to meet at their LBS Orange Peel ( for an easy club ride per Amy as the next day is the Town Challenge so no one wants to over do it.
Amy prepping for the "easy" Club Ride
I roll out with the A Group and we are heading out of town and gently up hill two abreast in a pace-line. I pulled a few times and was definitely working but nothing too hard yet. After my second pull we approach the first climb and I am working now..............definitely gasping and I thought i was beginning to acclimatize!! Not by any stretch....
Well................needless to say my ego was crushed and I was spit out the back in about 30 seconds so I ended up riding alone for the next 10 miles until we reached the turnaround point and Matt and Amy and a handful of others were headed in the opposite direction. The flagged me down and we decided to head home as we already had 20 miles down................we wanted to save our legs for the next day's race remember? ;)
We rode together for a few miles and with some more big hills coming on the way home I was dropped again---ahhhhhh---but I was not the last one dropped and I started to finally feel a bit better and worked with another guy, Danny, to get us back to town. Well....a tough ride nonetheless and I was tired by the time we arrived home.
Amy made a great pasta dinner and we kicked back and savored the wonderful evening in the Rockies talking about the wildcards and speedbumps life deals us. We chatted until about 11pm and this is waaaaaaay past our bedtime. They are great people!
My big decision
The next day started off with morning coffee, some e-mails, and then off to the pool. I was in a lane next to Alexis Rupple. At first I just thought I was god awful slow, a trend in the last 18 hours, until I learned several hours later from Amy that she is on the Colorado University swim team............I did not feel so slow after all.
After my swim, lunch with Matt and Harry the Austrian Nordic Ski Instructor, I was off to Ericksen Cycles. Last week during RtR I stopped in during their open house to talk bikes and build philosophy. I chatted with Bo (pic below) for about an hour and decided to come back with my fat tire and talk some more.
Bo working on a frame
Today I met with Kent Ericksen and we discussed a new frame for me that would be a better fit and include a lot of modern technology. say the least after about an hour of talking I pulled the trigger and ordered a frame. My existing MTB is 7 years old and showing its wear and I knew that it was only a matter of time before I was ready and now seemed right.
After the bike shop visit it was back to the house to prep the MTB for the Town Challenge MTB race at Marabou (
Per Amy this is a retirement community for the young that is open only once a year for the locals to ride so it is quite a treat.
The race had a big crowd of about 250 riders of all ages to include several local pros. My race went off at 6pm and I was pushing hard to keep up and was definitely redlining. The heat and altitude were my enemy!
In 2009 I entered a Town Challenge and HMAHTM. I was not ready for the climbing right out of the gate nor the altitude. During this race I can say I performed a bit better but with about 2/3 of the race finished I started to fade and ended up last in my AG. Bummer but one thing I have learned is the depth of talent in CO is amazing in all age groups. The pic below actually made it in to Steamboat Today attributed to some guy that smoked me but I will take publicity! (
Lookin' Fast but DF last at this point!
We are a lot dustier than this pic shows
Post race we cleaned up and went to the ranch house for dinner and Fat Tire Amber.
Post Race with some recovery drink
Amy checking out Matt's trail dust tan!
Matt fueling up at the keg. Kent Ericksen in red.
The next day Matt gave me a quick tour of the Steamboat hills and some of the surrounding neighborhoods. The below waterfall was used as the backdrop for theCoors beer logo.
Fish Creek Waterfall a mile up the hill from Amy and Matt's house
Before leaving town I went back to Ericksen and while chatting with Bo in walks a tired and grizzled mountain biker. I noticed immediately his jersey from Plum Grove Cyclery as it is in Leesburg, VA and sponsor's several local races.
What a small world as this guy, Bob Anderson, is from Crozet, VA and is on the Plum Grove racing team. Bob is in the middle of the Tour the Divide MTB race (
and stopped at Orange Peel to have his bike fixed.
Apparently another racer stopped two days ago and had to have part of his frame rewelded by the guys at Ericksen.
Bob and I chatted for about 15 minutes about his experience so far and he told me he had about 7 days to make it under the time cut off--about 120+ miles a day for the next week!! He is fueling at convenience stores, using iodine to purify water, suffered through 6 days of rain at the start, and now needs to ride REAL HARD to make. He readily admits he prepped for the race by the seat of his pants.
Small World--note the jersey on this guy?
Bob's bike being fixed--note the bags for storage
I rolled out of town and headed back to the Front Range.....................
Leaving Town
JOCMO: Post race camaraderie, meeting Bob on his brief stop, ordering a new bike!