JOCM from 2012

JOCM from 2012

Saturday, June 18, 2011

RtR Day 4--Mileage Total 580

As mentioned in the previous post Day 4 of RtR is a 50 mile loop around Steamboat. Rick, me, Robin, and Eric (not the Diesel), and Eva the Physicist, rolled out at 9am and the legs were a bit heavy from the previous day's work. 

At this time in the morning the sun was out and it was quite warm. We pacelined a bit but nothing over the top as we wanted to enjoy the ride.

Eva heading uphill 

The first aid station was a hoot. We arrived to several riders square dancing or step dancing and a few minutes later some ladies in their "Fat Cyclist.Com" ( kit doing some kind of group dance. Anyway.............a festive atmposphere.

 Aid Station 1 and some Square Dancing or something akin to it!
 More Boogie

We rolled out of aid station 1 and immediately began a leisurely and scenic climb. My power muscles were shot after yesterday but I could still climb efficiently. The Steamboat area altitude was much lower than our other stops and I could actually ride like I was in Virginia--a great confident boost to be able to keep up with Rick after being dropped like newbie on Day 1.
 Robin and Eric heading up
 Rick in Action
 The Road Ahead
 Rest at the Top
 Last Climb of the Day

Lunch along the Yampa River and still in the chamois

After the ride of a bit more than 3 hours we went to lunch along the Yampa River. The excessive amounts of snow had all of the rivers flowing fast but the Yampa was swelling its banks. Most of downtown Steamboat was sandbagged to keep the water from shutting down the businesess.

After lunch I went to the expo and turned in my trusty Litespeed to the Parlee guys for the chance to demo a sexy Parlee Z5 ( More to follow on this as I make my post for Day 5.
Day 4 in the books

JOCMO: Awesome homemade Gelato at Aid Station 2 on a warm Rocky Mountain Day

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